Psychological Services

Sometimes your children will struggle to learn, to keep pace with their classmates, to focus, concentrate or pay attention to what is going on.  Homework time ends in frustration, anger, and tears – without anything being accomplished.  Maybe your child had struggles with sensory overload, peer interactions, or behaviors in groups like at school.  Often, parents are asked by their children’s pediatrician to seek the services of a child psychologist who can, through careful observation, completing specially selected inventories and questionnaires, and engaging in psychological testing with your child, identify your child’s unique challenges.  Then the psychologist can refer you for more specialized services such as developmental vision therapy, occupational therapy, play therapy and counseling, neurological-psychological testing, or refer you back to your pediatrician or other medical specialist, armed with recommendations for helping your child.

Parent Consultation and Family History

  • Child Observation and Relationship Assessment
  • Psychological Evaluation for ADHD/ADD
  • Testing for Learning Disabilities or Developmental Delays
  • Classroom or Community Observation and Consultation
  • IEP or 504 Plan Consultation and Advising
  • Testing to rule out mood disorders
  • Trauma Assessment and Differential Diagnosis
  • Cognitive Testing and Evaluation
  • Neurological Screening and Sensory Processing Assessments